Thursday, December 4, 2008

Menopause & Perimenopause

Menopause is just a point in time — the date on which you haven’t had a menstrual period for a year. Perimenopause is the period of hormonal fluctuation that leads up to menopause; it can last from five to 15 years or longer. Early menopause does occur for a tiny fraction of women, but the term is mostly used by women — not practitioners — when symptoms occur much earlier than “normal.” Medical menopause is menopause brought about by medical treatment — typically hysterectomy or cancer treatment — and an incredible 25% of women enter menopause this way.

Hormonal balance is our normal state. When we have menopausal symptoms, we are suffering from hormonal imbalance — an abnormal state. About 80% of women today experience symptoms of hormonal imbalance — more than ever before — because of the extraordinary demands made on their bodies and the inadequate support provided. Fortunately, nearly all women can find relief from the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause by restoring that balance — naturally and without drugs. And we’re here to show you how.

Why do women come to us with so many unanswered questions? Why do so many women feel dissatisfied with the answers they’re getting from conventional medicine?

The simple answer is that conventional medicine breaks everything down into separate parts that can be separately controlled — and that’s not how the female body works. As you explore our website and find the answers you need, keep in mind that every aspect of your life affects your health — and that no symptom or health problem can be viewed (or controlled) in isolation.


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